Create custom fields
Create custom fields to store information in the contact database about either people or organisations.
Create a custom field
- Go to Settings > Custom fields and click Create new custom field
- Choose either People or Organisations
- Choose a name for the field
- Choose a field type (see below for descriptions of supported field types)
- If applicable add response options
- Click Create
Supported field types
Field type | Example |
Text (single line) | Short text such as 'Vehicle registration number' |
Text (paragraph) | Longer text such as 'Brief biography' |
Date | A date such as 'Date of birth' or 'Follow up date' |
File | An uploaded file such as a scanned document |
Checkboxes | A set of options such as 'Professional interests' |
Dropdown | A long select field such as 'Region' |
Radio buttons | A short select field such as 'Gender' |
Using custom fields
Custom fields you create will be available in a number of places in the system
- On contact records in the contact database
- On forms for gathering information from users
- In the 'My account' area so users can update their own details
- As profile attributes and filters in directories
- As filter criteria when creating segments