Configure your organisation's key details

The organisation settings page contains a few key details that you can configure.

Organisation name

Your organisation name will appear in:

  • The header of your website, if you do not upload a logo
  • The browser tab
  • Search results listings in Google and other search engines
  • The footer of all emails sent to your contacts

Sending email addresses

The default email address you add here will be the address from which all emails are sent from the system to your contacts. It is highly advisable that this email address matches the custom domain that you launch your website to. This helps authenticate you as a legitimate sender and will help avoid your emails being flagged as spam.

You can override the default sending address in different situations to better align the origin of an email from your system with the responsible team.

External link

You have the opportunity to add one link to the header of your website that points to an external URL. This is useful if you are using White Fuse as a members portal and you would like to direct your members back to your 'main website'. Simply enter the URL of your website into the External link URL field and then add the text that you would like to appear in the header into the External link text field.

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