Change a membership subscription renewal date or record an early payment

This article explains how to:

  • Change the renewal date of a membership subscription.
  • Record early payments for manual subscriptions.

Change the renewal date

You can change the renewal date from within White Fuse if the subscription is set to be paid by Direct Debit or Manual invoice.

To change the renewal date:

  1. Locate the subscription on the contact's record or the subscriptions report.
  2. Select "Edit."
  3. Choose a new renewal date.
  4. Save the changes.

If the subscription is set to be paid by Card you cannot change the renewal date in White Fuse but you can change it in Stripe and the change will then be reflected in White Fuse.

When extending the renewal date, add a brief note explaining the reason for the change.

Receive early payment

If a member makes an early payment for a manually invoiced subscription:

  1. Do not change the renewal date.
  2. Instead, view the subscription and click "Create next invoice."
  3. This action records the early payment and ensures accurate payment history for future reference.

Renewal Date Best Practices

  • Set renewal dates in the future. This date represents when the next subscription payment is due.
  • Avoid setting renewal dates in the past. Doing so can trigger the system to automatically generate invoices for overdue fees and advance the renewal date accordingly. This may result in multiple invoices being created unexpectedly.

Setting a renewal date in the past is only recommended if you specifically intend to generate additional invoices.

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