Cancel a membership subscription
Subscriptions can only be cancelled by an Administrator. Cancelled subscriptions can be restored up to seven days after cancellation. Once cancelled, subscriptions can be permanently deleted.
Cancel a subscription
An administrator can cancel a member's subscription at any time as follows:
- Go to the contact record
- Look in the subscriptions section
- Choose Cancel membership subscription from the action menu (...)
- Choose to either Cancel at renewal date or Cancel immediately
Cancel at renewal date
- The subscription will remain active until the renewal date
- During this time the member can continue to log in and gain the privileges associated with their membership subscription.
- At the renewal date the subscription will not renew and will move to a Cancelled state.
Note for card payments: 'cancel at renewal date' is not available for card payments in White Fuse but can be found in your Stripe Dashboard.
Cancel immediately
- The subscription will be greyed out
- The status will change to cancelled
- No attempt will be made to take payment for any unpaid invoices relating to the subscription
Restore a cancelled subscription
An administrator can restore a cancelled subscription within 7 days of cancellation as follows:
- Go to the contact record
- Look in the subscriptions section
- Choose Restore membership subscription from the action menu (...)
- The status will be recalculated and become either Valid, Overdue or Expired depending on whether existing invoices are paid
Permanently delete a subscription
To permanently delete a subscription, first cancel it immediately. You can then permanently delete the cancelled subscription from the action menu (...).
Remove payment methods
Cancelling a subscription does not automatically remove payment methods.
- Remove Direct Debit mandates by logging in your GoCardless account.
- Remove cards by logging in to your Stripe account.