Contact groups

Contact Groups allow you to organise your contacts into categories for easier management. They work similarly to tags, enabling you to assign multiple groups to a single contact and remove them as needed.

Key Features

  • Administrative Control: Only administrators have the authority to create, edit, and manage groups.
  • Contact Privacy: Contacts cannot view or manage their group affiliations.

Create a Group

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Groups.
  2. Click "Create new group".
  3. Enter a name for your new group.
  4. Click "Create" to save the group.

Assign Contacts to a Group

Assign individually:

  1. Go to an individual contact record.
  2. Edit the "Groups" section to add or remove the contact from groups.

Assign multiple contacts:

  1. Select the checkboxes next to the desired contacts in the "People" or "Organisations" table.
  2. Click the "Actions" button.
  3. Select "Add to group" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the desired group from the list.

View Contacts in a Group

  1. Go to the "People" or "Organisations" table.
  2. Use the dropdown filter at the top of the table to select the desired group.

Email Contacts in a Group

  1. Create a new segment.
  2. In the segment criteria, select "Group" as the condition.
  3. Choose the desired group from the dropdown list.
  4. Go to "Broadcasts" and create a new broadcast email targeting the newly created segment.
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