Clone an event or ticket

You can use an existing event as the starting point for a new one. Or you can do the equivalent with ticket types within an existing event.

Clone an event

To clone an event you need to:

  • Go to Events in the main toolbar
  • Find the event you want to clone
  • Choose Clone from the action menu (...)

You can also do this from the action menu on 'Manage event' screen for the event.

This action will immediately create a new event with all the same settings and content as the original. The new event will be saved in a draft mode so it won't be visible anywhere on the website.

Clone a ticket type

To clone a ticket type you need to:

  • Go to the 'Manage event' screen for your event
  • Choose Clone from the action menu next to the ticket type you wish to duplicate
  • Check the settings and make any edits you need
  • Click Create

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