Add audio files to your website

You can add audio from recorded talks, podcasts, music, etc to your website in a few different ways. 

1. Let users download or stream your original file

Upload your audio file to the website just like any other file and let people download it (go to one of your website pages and click Add > File to add a content block specifically design for presenting a file). With this option, the exact experience for the user will depend on their browser but most browsers will open common audio formats like MP3 and play them immediately without the user having to download and open the file. 

You will also need to ensure it's highly compressed so that the file is a manageable size. Use a free compression tool like MP3 Compressor to help with this. 

2. Upload your audio to a hosting service 

There are services such as Soundcloud that will host your audio on the web and provide you with an embed code so that people can click through the presentation without leaving your website or downloading anything. This approach has the following advantages:

  • You can host much larger audio files, which may be necessary where quality is important if the piece of audio is long. 
  • Users can listen to the audio without leaving the page, which is helpful if the audio relates directly to other content on the page.

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