Understand the Membership dashboard

The Membership dashboard provides aggregated figures derived from all the membership subscriptions in the system. Here is a brief explanation of each section of the dashboard.

By membership plan

This section displays the total number of subscriptions to each of the different membership plans you offer. The total number of people is also displayed.

For joint, proxy and organisation membership plans, the number of people includes ALL people affiliated with all subscriptions.

Note that if a person has subscriptions to more than one plan type, they will be counted for each plan they are subscribed to. So the total number of people shown here will not necessarily match the sum of people counted for each plan.

By month joined

This section displays subscriptions based on the date they were created. All subscriptions created in the current year are shown as well as subscriptions created in the previous year for comparison.

By status

This section displays all subscriptions by status including Valid, Overdue and Expired. Cancelled subscriptions are not shown here, or counted anywhere on the Membership dashboard.

By Payment method

This section displays all subscriptions by payment method. It can be a useful reference point to see how many members you still need to encourage to move over to Direct Debit.

By Plan type

This section displays all subscriptions by plan type including Individual, Joint, Proxy and Organisation. This is just a count of subscriptions, not people. So the complications around counting people are not relevant.

By billing frequency

This section displays all subscriptions by billing frequency but the count is shown as the total recurring amount for that period rather than the number of subscriptions.

If you have plans that bill monthly, this provides a snapshot of the total amount that you will receive in a given month from subscription fees (by any payment method).

If you have plans that bill yearly, this provides a snapshot of the total amount that you will receive in a given year from subscription fees (by any payment method).

The same is true for the quarterly billing frequency. And, if you have different plans with different billing cycles you will see multiple values here.

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