Manage an unconfirmed account

When a user registers an account for the first time they receive an email asking them to verify their email address. Occasionally users may not receive this email and their account will remain in an unconfirmed state. 

If a person contacts you asking for help you can encourage them to check their spam folder but if they still can't find the verification request you can manually confirm the account on their behalf.

  1. Go to the contact record
  2. Find the User account section on the page (notice that the status is Unconfirmed)
  3. Choose Confirm from the action menu (…)

The user will now be able to log in with their email address and password.

Find other unconfirmed accounts

You can create a segment to highlight any other unconfirmed accounts with the following two conditions:

Account status IS Any


Account status IS NOT Active

This will result in a segment that only contains people whose account is in an unconfirmed state.

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