Create anchor links

You can create anchor links that jump to a particular place on the page. This is useful if you want to create a table of contents and/or link back to the top of a page from lower down. This is an advanced task, suitable for administrators who are comfortable editing content in HTML mode.

Step 1. Create your anchor

  1. Toggle the text editor into HTML mode
  2. Go to the part of your page that you want to link to
  3. Add an anchor tag link above the part you want to link to. Note that you don't have to have any text that appears on the page.

<a name="my-anchor"></a>

Step 2. Create your link

Either create your link in HTML:

  1. Remain in HTML mode
  2. Go to the part of the page you want to link from
  3. Create a link using the following code

<p><a href="#my-anchor">Go to my anchor</a></p>

Alternatively, create your link using the text editor toolbar:

  1. Toggle the text editor back to Rich text mode
  2. Go to the part of the page you want to link from
  3. Click the Link button in the text editor toolbar
  4. Choose Custom URL from the dropdown selector
  5. Enter: #my-anchor in the URL field
  6. Enter Go to my anchor (or equivalent) in the text field

If you want to link to your anchor from another page you will need to include the page in your link like this:

<p><a href="/pages/page-path#my-anchor"><Go to my anchor</a></p>

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